Friday, June 20, 2008

Jump In, Jump Out

So, I've been chastised by a couple folks for not having updated my blog in some time. Guilty. I think the end of the school year, transitions, laziness are all the culprits. So, in spite of the fact that I have much to tell, I'll give a brief rundown of highlights and (hopefully) expand on them later.

Al Franken. Yes, Al Franken. On my first night in Minneapolis (for my second mini-book tour), I gave an interview on the program "Almanac" for Twin Cities Public Television and had the great fortune to watch (and follow) Al Franken, who is running (and really, should win) for the U.S. Senate seat representing Minnesota. He was articulate, smart, gracious and even funny (he is a funny guy, for crying out loud--something that for some reason people want to hold against him).

Meeting a descendant of one of the mob participants. At one book signing, I had the honor of meeting a man who came to point out his father in the photo of the lynchings. It was a first for me, and a moment that I savored. We had a wonderful conversation and I could see that my book had a great impact on him. If nothing else, his words will carry me through the rest of this whole author thing. What I'd hoped I'd be able to do with the book, I can see I've managed to do. Very cool.

More later...