Friday, November 16, 2007

Back at the keyboard

It's been some time since I tried out this blog thing. On recommendation from my editor, I thought I'd pick it up again. Since my last entry, I've been hard at work editing my book and just this morning, I sent off what I'm hoping are my last edits to my editor before it goes to press. It's scary and a relief since the proofreader caught a couple glaring errors that would have been pretty embarassing had they wound up in the actual book. The final title is, "The Lyncher in Me: a Search for Redemption in the Face of History." I credit Rebecca Walker with the main title; it came out during a discussion of my work during a memoir workshop. It's great. The cover art is wonderfully powerful and my publisher at Borealis is standing behind it 100%. They've decided to make my title the headliner for the spring (sesquentennial) catalog. Amazing. I feel like I'm on the cusp of something big here and I'm not sure I'm ready for what's coming up.

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