Friday, March 28, 2008

Dodging Stars

So I'd gotten notice from my publicist that I was to be scheduled on a program called "Showcase Minnesota" in Minneapolis to discuss my book this coming Tuesday. That in and of itself is exciting for all the right reasons. The added bonus, was that I was to be sharing time with Aaron Eckhart, the dashing star of "Thank You for Smoking", and new film called "Bill" and the upcoming "Dark Knight". Added to the bonus, today I looked at the show's site and saw that as well as Mr. Eckhart, George Clooney and Rene Zelleweger were also appearing. I nearly fell out of my seat. Beside the whole starstruck, whiplash reaction, I'm completely in awe of Mr. Clooney as a social activist and would have loved to have shared a few like-minded thoughts on his work related to Darfur (not to say that I'd have even had the opportunity). Alas--as I had feared--I'd been bumped, from Tuesday to Wednesday. Man. Opportunity to meet a person you truly admire, that one person that you only dream that one day you'll shake his hand, yanked away like a prize you never really won. The plus side: If I DO appear on Wednesday as planned, I'll be sharing the time with Jodie Foster and Abigail Breslin, so that could also be very cool. And it's probably better all around since I may have been a complete mess knowing that I was in the same building as George.

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