Monday, March 31, 2008

Sunday in St. Paul

Yesterday's read at the Swedenborgian Church went well, though the turnout wasn't what the organizers from Common Good Books had hoped for. It was a sunny day, the kind of day that St. Paulians wait months for (we do the same in Seattle). So it was understandable that less people wanted to spend a Sunday afternoon indoors. Still, it went well. The staff from Common Good were wonderful and made the talk go so smoothly. The only disappointment was that Garrison Keillor was not able to make it in due to a delayed flight, but he more than made up for it by passing on to Sue (the bookstore rep) that he LOVED the book, thought it was a personal, moving story. That's all I need!

It's snowing right now, dampening my plans to use today for a walking tour of downtown St. Paul (my only completely free day). It sure is pretty, though. Had a great dinner with Don, the grandson of Elmer Jackson's cousin, last night. It's so surreal to me, that not only would I be able to connect with the family of one of the lynched men, but that we would be become friends. Who'd have thought? Crazy world.

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